Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Started Senior Year off geat! :D Then about 6 weeks in my light bulb fizzled....... o.o
But I'm workin on it!

I'm over on Tumblr for awhile now ~

http://shurmmi.tumblr.com/  - For my art

http://shurmmisugar.tumblr.com/ - For random stuff on Tumblr I like

:) Moore to come~

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Day Dress

I woke up yesterday feeling bleh xp..... So i decided to sew!
The last few things I've made took me days to complete, but with this I set out to complete in the day (^thats what i mean by day dress)
Woke up around 11 and began around noon and finished by 7:30. ^.^b (and took a lunch break and discovered one of those "everything bagels"-it was everything missing from my life!...jk no, Im not thaat lame,  but it was really good :q) Anyways~
 It is a simple light summer dress, I made the patterns myself. (I make all my patterns out of my dad's old newspapers)

The fabric my uncle got me from Bangladesh a while back, I made a dress for my mom with it, I never really noticed the textile design on it, till now. I like it :)
I see on other blogs and stuff other sewers and how they photograph their work, whether they're modeling them with pretty photo shoots *u* , or have them propped up on hangers etc~ I just took these with my dinky webcam V^V... I suck at taking photos- sorry I gota learn.  What are good places and times to take pics outside? I'm very limited in this apartment I live in with 5 other people...

But anyways here the dress :D
(p.s. I dont have any formal training in sewing and garment construction so I dont know many technical terms :x )
This is top of it, I spent maybe 2 hours just staring at the fabric trying to figure out which part would be best suited for this --___--.. well i finally chose this swirl part and followed the curve for the collar line (thats right I didn't make a loopy straight collar by accident)

 And the rest of it! lots of swirls @.@

It's not puffy :/- what can I say I like to spin in big circle skirts~ But it's cool :), this i can actually wear through the streets of nyc!

I was glad that Im getting the hang of make my garments fit!
Garments should fit People.
I dont own a manikin, I just use me :)

Yes my room messy- but today is relatively clean compared to other days.
Yes thats a Hellokitty doll and the yellow thing is Pikachu's butt, which is next to my stuffed elephant's butt

I certainly wana make more like this dress, and hopefully the pics will get better too :)

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Urmmi's dress Complete and worn!

I've been sick :< so this post is late.
But here it is!!!
 The sleeves look simple..but took me a while xnx....

 I photographed it on my door, it might not look it here but the skirt is HUGE its a circle skirt, and looks like a tent.
 That's a detail of the bottom of the dress, I added this lace along the bottom ^ thats the white line seen in that pic cutting across the red~
 This is her!!!!!! My older sis Urmmi >.> I hope you dont mind I put your  photo up <3 Your pretty you can't blame me :P She held still for me :D!- trust me that means a lot. That yellow collar thing is from her graduation gown. That day was hot cold rainy dry alll in one.
 ....I wanted to take pics of her looking lovely in the dress, but .... she is a squirmy kid who makes faces in majority of photos taken of her.

Im glad she gave one nice pic of her in just the dress :P <3 I like this photo

More later once I stop coughing and clean my room --__--...
Thanks for stopping by!
Goodnight all :)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

My Inventory: A Start~

Along with my physical Spring Cleaning I'm also taking inventory(?) of all that I made this past year. I'm also working on my behance profile, pretty emppty, for now.  I haven't photographed it all. (I'm not so good with a camera)

Please remember: Don't Steal Art, Share it! :D If anything here inspires you to make your own drawings- awesome, but don't take someone's work, not cool. I hope ya like, and if so, let me know :) we love to hear people appreciate/like what we do, puts us in a dapper mood.
Here's some of them :D **
This is in series of silkscreen prints I made. The original is a watercolor painting I made.

Another silkscreen print, but the drawing itself I drew back in highschool, I just made a screen for it a made a bunch of prints

 If your thinking this is another print from a drawing I made /:).... Nope!, not exactly. Yes another print but from a digital illustration I created with photoshop- ok yeah that illustration came from a drawing soo kindaa
 Only one of her. Yes I dig jewelry, and in my culture the GOLD is sooooooo elaborate, I love it! I'd really like to make to my own, but its not like making my own clothes :/

I think when I post more stuff, I'll categorize and also show details and my stages- I like looking at them from artists.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Urmmi's Grad Dress:Quickpic

My current project: Make a super dress for my older sis Urmmi to wear for her graduation (She's graduating college :') she's growing up- not literally though, because I'm taller~)

My original idea was to make a sky blue dress for her, but the store I get my fabric had 1 yard of blue left, and I can't make a long flowy dress with one yard. So I got red and white instead, she's attends Stony brook and one of the school's colors is red so it's cool~
I'm in the School of Visual Arts (red's also our color)- this recent semester I was taking a digital embroidery class. After I finished my final project I embroidered this design which is the front of her dress :D!
I drew a design a while back, and with Photoshop and my trusty Wacom Tablet I rearranged it soo many times, this one variation of that design I made. There's a computer software linked to the embriodery machine, kinda like Photoshop, and you design, choose what patterns threads, everything you want the machine to do. I used a silver thread, it's all one continuous fill :).

Here's a quick pic of it. My head in the back~
(Looks like a silkscreen print)
I'm almost done, a more in depth post/look of the dress soon :)

First Post*

Greetings and Salutations!
Hello to anyone who stops on by, and thank you in advance :)

My name's Shurmmi and I'm constantly making. I'm always hesitant of the title 'artist' especially in today's world.  Drawings, paintings, dresses, etc. (If your wondering, yup I drew my banner pic.) Anything that will comfort, put smiles on faces. Yes, I create Beauty- that right there can mean a lot of things. My pencil is my best (inanimate) friend. I LOVE to draw, if I was a video game character that would be my specialty ;D ~ well maybe, it sounds kinda pathetic if the other characters could use magic or weapons and actually do stuff... Anyways~ Aside from my pencil there's my nifty sewing machine. I'm still a novice at sewing, but I still sew on. (I get all happy and giddy when seeing my sister fit comfortably and confidently in a dress I've made) Most of what  I know about garment construction, I taught myself through trial and error. I've cut out so many patterns out of my dad's newspaper~  I tried the blog before but that didn't work out too well, hopefully this time I'll last longer. It's just like writing in a journal, except just documentation of things I make.  :)